開源人年會 COSCUP 已經邁入第十四年了,今年的活動有些特別,除了延續去年首次嘗試的社群議程外,今年的時間地點則於 8/17-18 在台灣科技大學國際大樓舉辦。過去,COSCUP 由各地社群共同舉辦,在眾多同好的參與下,逐漸成長茁壯,今年除了有在地社群成為議程的協力夥伴外,更加入了國際社群們,希望能打造更多元的主題和議程。無論你是寫 open source 軟體的開發者、熱衷 open source 軟體的推廣者、熟悉 open source 軟體的使用者或是想了解 open source 軟體的新手,都歡迎你來參加一年一度全台最大的 COSCUP 2019!
地點:台灣科技大學 國際大樓
日期:8/17 - 8/18
開源貢獻者 VIP 報名:6/2(需有邀請碼才能報名)
一般會眾報名:7/10 20:00(+0800)
COSCUP 的宗旨在於提供一個聯結開放原始碼開發者、使用者與推廣者的平台。希望藉由每年一度的研討會,來推動自由及開放原始碼軟體(FLOSS)。想對開源精神盡一點心力,除了身體力行來參與 COSCUP 以外,也可以考慮贊助香油錢,使今年 COSCUP 的運作更為順利。假使您有意願,請點選 with donation NT$500 的票種,感謝您的配合。
🍻 2019!開源久酒!🍻
👉 派對門票熱賣中
COSCUP celebrates its 14th anniversary this year. Over the past decade, the event has co-operated with communities all over the world. With everyone's involvement, COSCUP grows up. This year, COSCUP will co-host in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology on 8/17-18. And several communities will be the program partners to provide diversified topics and talks.
Whoever you are an Open Source coder, a devoted Open Source promoter, a user familiar with Open Source, or even a newcomer, we sincerely welcome you to be a part of COSCUP 2019!
List of Activities: usual program, workshop
Location: International Building, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology(台灣科技大學國際大樓)
Date: 8/17 - 8/18
Open Source Contributor VIP Registration: 6/2 (invitation code required)
Normal Registration : 7/10 20:00(+0800)
Open Source Donations
Want to do something in the spirit of Open but don’t know where to start? As well as coming to COSCUP in person, you may consider donations that will help it run smoother. If you feel like doing so, please choose the “with donation NT$500” type of ticket. Thank you for your consideration.
🍻 2019 Welcome Party 🍻
Welcome to join our Party, have fun with the speakers and your beloved FLOSS community members!
👉 Welcome Party Ticket on Sale